Categories: Relief Aid Products
This type of lightweight, portable and easy to use kit for has
originally been designed by the University of Surrey in collaboration
with OXFAM to test water quality primarily for Microbiological
contamination and to determine its safety for human consumption. It is
especially useful in emergency situations where testing and results can
be determined quickly so that corrective action may be taken without
This Basic Water quality testing kit is also called "Portable
Bacteriological Field test kit 1" with type equivalency to e.g. the
Delagua Basic and the Wagtech Potatest kits.
The Portable Field Water Quality Test Kit, for basic water quality
assessment in the Field, including Microbiological Testing, pH, Chlorine
and Turbidity measuring on-site in the Lab or in the Field at the
source, is integrated in a carrying case, and composed as follows:
Microbiological Parameters:
Portable Single Compartment Incubator for analysis of Faecal Coliforms
at 44°C (± 0.5ºC). Alternatively, it can be easily switched or
calibrated to 37°C for Total Coliform Count.
The incubator compartment can accommodate approximately between 16 and
25 slim fit Aluminum Petri dishes (minimum 16), supplied with a total of
around 50 re-useable Aluminium Petri Dishes which are as standard in
Petri Dish Racks or equivalent for easy compartment loading.
The temperatures are displayed on a LCD with an indication for low
battery. The incubator has a timer facility that logs the incubation
period in case of power failure.
The incubator can be run from internal rechargeable battery,
110/220 V mains or 12 V DC supply such as vehicle battery/ Dash-board
Cigarette lighter. The Battery may be separate from the incubator for
easy replacement, but to be stored inside the carrying case
If the mains supply fails the internal battery automatically switches
on. Supplied with all necessary electrical leads & crocodile dips
The battery shall allow for minimum 5 incubation cycles, and be fully rechargeable within one day.
The Incubator kit includes a membrane filtration unit using 0.45 um pore
size membrane filter (as appropriate complete with Collection Flask,
Sampling Cup and Land Line plus Bronze Discs, Gaskets and O-Rings, as
well as a Vacuum Pump preferably with pistol grip, etc.), a set of
accessories for the proper handling of the tests such as a pad
dispenser, tweezers, dropping pipettes, plastic bottles, hand lens,
lighter, pen, screwdriver, lubrication grease, a spirit thermometer (-10
to +50ºC x 0.5ºC) etc., and an Incubator calibration kit, including
calibration dishes.
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